by Kathy Cretsinger

\"\"Today, I slipped. I\’ve tried to either write my blog early, by writing a few days before, or fairly early the next morning. Early for me is around 9 a.m. I don\’t wake up much before that. I do walk around, but my mind doesn\’t go with me sometimes. Therefore, I am trying to establish habits.

From what I read, you have to do something for thirty days for it to become a habit. I really slipped off the wagon. For a couple of weeks, I wrote this blog each Saturday and Sunday. I would do all of the blogs and schedule them to release. That was a wonderful idea until something interrupted my plans. It doesn\’t take much to interruptĀ  my plans, but I\’m trying.

From now on, I am going to try to take one day to get blogs written for several days, maybe even over a week. That way I won\’t have to worry at night because I didn\’t write my blog. We should be creatures of habit, but I am not. I have to work at doing what needs to be done. I blame it on my mind running away all the time. I would like for my mind to find a home and settle down.

I have tried to stick to my writing for the last few days. I have been successful until today, but today is not over. I know if I fail to write, my book will not be written. This makes me focus on my blogs. I have good intentions, but sometimes they are not successful. I am a work in progress.


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