by Kathy Cretsinger

\"\"Have you ever written a book in three acts? I had heard James Scott Bell give a class on writing this way, but I never tried it. I guess so much was going on in my life that I simply forgot it, but I wanted to try it. I started my work in progress in this method, and I\’m enjoying it very much.

I like the idea of writing in three acts because my manuscript is tighter, or at least I think it is. I have finished the first act and sent it to the editor. I\’m doing the corrections and thinking about Act 2. Act 1 is only eleven chapters, which is around 25,000 words. I do know the second act will be longer, and the third act will be shorter.

Act 3 is burning a hole in my brain. I will start on it soon. I\’ve never written the last of the book before the middle, but I want to do it. I know how it is going to end, in fact I know the third act completely. I\’ve thought about this for a while. I want to get it written before I forget it.

Plotting has never been my thing. I like my characters to talk to me as I write the book. They can draw me in so many different directions. In fact, I didn\’t want to put one character in the book until Act 3, but the main character wouldn\’t have it that way. So Uncle Manuel will make an entrance in the Act 2.

When I try something different, it always makes me excited and I want  to write more. I look forward to opening the computer in the mornings.

I\’ll let you know how this works out. So far, I\’m enjoying it very much. You may want to try it.

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