\"\"In life, there are many regrets and only a few do-overs. All of us can attest to that. We can probably count the do-overs on one hand because they are rare.

There are many regrets in my life, but I won\’t tell you all of them. Some are very private.

Some of my regrets are very public, things I wish I hadn\’t done. I\’d like to tell you a few of my regrets.

Last week, I was sick, which is not the time to let my feelings show. I did. I wrote a blog, which I took down. I was hurt. Anyway, I am very sorry I did put that blog up for only a few hours.

Here are some of my regrets. 

  1. I wish I had paid more attention during conferences. My writing would have been much better if I had. 
  2. I wish I had read more books on the craft. There are a bunch in my library that needs read.
  3. I wish I had talked to more authors and picked their brains. 
  4. I wish I would take time before I speak or write something. I want to think clearer.

Now that I am writing instead of publishing, I see a different side of the picture. I have to learn to listen and be more humble. 

Someone said some pretty rude things to me, and I wish they had more compassion for others. I don\’t think I would ever be as rude to them as they were to me. It goes back to living a Christian life. We need, I need, to learn more patience and to be more caring to others.

Can I do a do-over? Possibly. I can take my writing more seriously. I can try harder to manage my time better. Most of all, I can respect others more.

Let\’s all try to make this a better place to live.


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