\"\"Happy July 4!

I am so proud to be an American and to have the freedoms we have. I wish everyone felt the same way and loved the history of our nation. This is one of our favorite holidays.

Happy Birthday to our first grandchild, Savannah MacAfee. She was born on July 4 and has always been a firecracker. When she was small, she always came to our house on July 3 to watch the fireworks the next evening. She picked out her favorite color of fireworks and enjoyed the program so much. She gave us a new love for Jul y 4.

Our country was founded on faith in God. The early founders fought for our freedoms. They gave their lives in order for us to be a free country. They trusted God and supported a new country. It saddens me when I hear people who do not know the history of our nation and make negative comments about America.

I wear red, white, and blue on July 4. I am so proud to be called an American. I\’ve always held my head high in a foreign country, even when they say things against us. They can think what they want, but I know what America means to me.

Today, fly your flag. Watch fireworks. Enjoy today. Show your pride and how much you love our country. God bless America!

Kathy Cretsinger


Callie’s Mountain

Coastal Promises

Nothing Shady Ever Happens In Shady Valley Series

Book 1, Bogged Down By Murder

Book 2, Death by Doubloons, Releases October 5, 2022

Book #, Dead Ringer, Releases 2023

Book 4, Murder and Goat Yoga, Releases 2023