The Holiday Season begins this week. I\’m looking forward to our Thanksgiving Day on Friday. We have to find a day when everyone can come at the same time. I am thankful that we can still juggle the days and have a time to enjoy each other\’s company.
The other night I couldn\’t sleep. I began thinking of a Thanksgiving song. We have plenty of songs for Christmas, but I could not think of one for Thanksgiving. Then I remembered a song we learned in elementary school. When I hear it I think of a Currier & Ives print. I have not heard this song in years, \”Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother\’s house we go.\” There is also one that Perry Como sung, \”There\’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays\”. That is a song for all holidays since it doesn\’t say Christmas or Thanksgiving, but the idea is there of a family being together.
We have several traditions for the holidays. We only make Sausage Balls between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The same is true for Party Mix. Cranberries are only good with turkey or ham. That\’s a treat for the holidays.
The holidays are times we think about our loved ones who are not with us now. They were such a big part of our holiday. They will be missed, and I\’m sure we will all think of them. We will say an official goodbye to my sister, who passed away in September 2020. One of her sons lives in Scotland. He could not enter the US until recently because of the pandemic. We will finally have her memorial service and scatter her ashes. We need closure.
What are your Holiday traditions?
Best Wishes to everyone. Have a great Thanksgiving with your family.
Kathy Cretsinger