Last week I ead Crosshairs by Patricia Bradley. I\’m usually pretty good at recognizing the villain, but this one had me stumped. I did not figure it out until the last of the book. This is the best book I\’ve read by Pat. When a book gets scary, I have to put it down, walk off, and come back later to finish it. I walked off several times reading this book. That made it even better for me. The book can be purchased  at https://www.amazon.com/Crosshairs-Natchez-Trace-Park-Rangers-ebook/dp/B08XLHP5QY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2E2Q6Y9Y8YUA&keywords=crosshairs+patricia+bradley&qid=1636214840&s=books&sprefix=Crosshairs%2Cstripbooks%2C411&sr=1-1

\"CrosshairsInvestigative Services Branch (ISB) ranger Ainsley Beaumont arrives in her hometown of Natchez, Mississippi, to investigate the murder of a three-month-pregnant teenager. While she wishes the visit was under better circumstances, she never imagined that she would become the killer\’s next target–nor that she\’d have to work alongside an old flame.

After he almost killed a child, former FBI sniper Lincoln Steele couldn\’t bring himself to fire a gun, which had deadly and unforeseen consequences for his best friend. Crushed beneath a load of guilt, Linc is working at Melrose Estate as an interpretive ranger. But as danger closes in on Ainsley during her murder investigation, Linc will have to find the courage to protect her. The only question is, will it be too little, too late?

This is the third book in the Natchez Trace Park Rangers series. They are all good, but this one is my favorite so far.



Kathy Cretsinger

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