\"\"It is so hard to live a life when someone is trying to say disparaging things about us. Jesus endured this through His entire life. Most of us can relate to this. Our parents were talked about, we were not wealthy, we were not smart, or any number of other things that kids are eager to say.

As we grew up, we saw a difference in people. We were not in the \”in\” crowd in high school or college. We stood out because we were not smart or we did not dress well. But with Christ, everyone is equal. That makes Christianity different from other religions. Christ accepts everyone.

In Matthew 13:53-58, we read of Jesus returning to His hometown. He was rejected by the people who did not understand who he was. This had to hurt Jesus. He came to earth to teach people God\’s love and mercy, then His own neighbors, friends, and people he grew up with turned against Him. How did he feel?

Verses 57 and 59 sums up his feelings. And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” 58 And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

We cannot deny that we are hurt when people we teach deny Christ. We hurt for their souls, as Jesus did. He had compassion for all of us. Jesus wants everyone to obey Him. It hurts when someone does not.

As we live our life forward, let\’s try to be more compassionate with those who are lost. Let\’s try to remember to be kind and a good example to everyone.

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