The book of Hebrews is an interesting study. It is written to the Jewish Christians to explain to them the Christian life. That\’s a simple way of saying it, some commentaries would put it differently. It shows the difference in the Old Law and the New Law. There is so much good meat in the whole book.
What would it have been like to change your way of worshipping God? It had to be hard, especially when you had been taught one way through your entire life. The Jews had the written word of the Old Testament, but they did not have the written word of the New Testament. They only had letters from the apostles. They most likely had heard the apostles speak at one time or another, but they had nothing they could sit down and read about Christ.
It had to be hard to want to hold on to the old ways. In the book of Hebrews, the writer shows the difference between the Old Law and Christ\’s Law. There was no longer a need to have animal sacrifice. Christ was out sacrifice. He died for our sins. With the animal sacrifices, each person\’s sins were rolled forward until the next year, or until Christ was crucified. There had to be a lot for the Christians to think about. They didn\’t understand why they could not hold onto the Old Law.
Today, many Christians want to keep doing things they have been doing for years. It\’s the way their parents did it. But, if it is not what the Bible says, it is wrong. We all hate change. We want things to go on evenly as they did before. That was not what God had planned from the beginning.
God prepared the Jews for obedience during the Old Law. There were so many things they had to do. Many things were binding to them. Take a few minutes and read Hebrews 10. The chapter explains so much.