by Kathy Cretsinger

As of May 31, 2021, Mantle Rock Publishing LLC will close its doors. It has been a hard decision to make, but it is time to do it.

Last year, we sold most of our business to Scrivenings Press LLC. I thought my eyes would hold out for me to have a few authors who were close to me, but this has not happened. In the last six months, I have lost the central vision of my right eye due to Macular Degeneration. I continue to have some sight in my left eye, and I will never go completely blind, but it is still challenging to try to focus on things from a distance. I have difficulty reading books.

There have been advances made in helps for Macular Degeneration. I might add mine is dry, so there is no cure. Last year I bought an IrisVision device, will give you a lot of information about how I see. It has helped with reading and seeing from a distance. If I look at you a little strange, I\’m trying to see who you are. I can manage with friends and family because I know their shape and hair color, but I cannot see a face until I am very close to you. This will not improve over time.

We have a family history with Macular Degeneration. The doctors tell me it is in my genes. My dad lived with MD for about thirty years, and I have had it for almost thirty years. Watching my dad\’s progression has helped me, but we always have denial.

I miss the authors I have worked with for years, but that is the way things progress. I have enjoyed you all so much. Working with you helped me to keep going through the years we worked together. I will continue writing, and I\’ve even begun painting with the help of my IrisVision. I want to continue to encourage authors with their writing. I will continue to speak at one or two conferences each year. This disease will not get me down.

On May 31, 2021, I will close Mantle Rock Publishing Facebook pages. I will continue to do more with my author page on Facebook, so please like and follow this page.

Thanks to all of you who stood by me through the last years. I have enjoyed this part of my life. I could not have done it without Diane Turpin, Pam Harris, and Kathy McKinsey. You ladies are the best.

I encourage all of you to fulfill your dreams. Be positive in all that you do. You will see more of me on social media in the future. Right now, I\’m enjoying writing and slowing down. It\’s time. Thank you, readers, for all that you have done for our company. I\’m still here, not dead yet, and loving what I do.


  1. Aw, Kathy, I’m sorry to hear this. I enjoyed working with you for the first three books of my series and miss our telephone chats we had from time to time. Take care of yourself. In God’s strength, you can do this! Phil. 4: 13

    1. Kathy Cretsinger

      Thanks, Pam. I am really doing well. I’m adjusting to my problems with my sight. I enjoyed working with you also. I hope you have many more years of writing.

    1. Kathy Cretsinger

      Thanks, Regina. You will always be my “Book Daughter”. Thanks for the encouragement I get from you.

  2. Oh, Kathy, so sorry to hear this news. Often times our adventures don’t come in the forms we imagine, and they aren’t always of our choosing. Prayers for you and yours. Take care and God bless. Always and Forever, Donevy

    1. Kathy Cretsinger

      Thank you, Donevy. This is a new adventure, and I’m making the best of it. I love writing, and I now have more time, well I try to have more time. Life gets in the way sometimes.

  3. Kathy, I believe God put us together and I thank you for believing in me and obeying Him when He nudged you to take me on. You are beautiful woman inside and out, dear friend.

    1. Kathy Cretsinger

      Thank you, Debbie. I loved working with you. My greatest desire was to help authors publish the books the “big” companies wouldn’t take. I’m looking forward to reading your books. I’m here, and we’ll go to Patti’s again one day. Look forward to seeing you and Les in June. It gets closer every day.

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