\"\"Fall has never been my favorite season until now. I\’ve always been a spring person, but I tolerated fall. I think it is because after fall is cold weather, and I do not like cold weather. I\’d much rather be in someplace warm, than having to pile on clothes to go outside. But, we are all different.

Mostly, change has been hard for me. I don\’t like to go out of my comfort zone, but I\’m learning to do it more. Things in life change each day. Our children grow up, get married, have children, and they get married. We add and take away people in our families. Something is always changing. As a human, we have to adjust. It can be hard.

There have been a lot of changes in my life recently. My only sibling passed away. That has been a big adjustment. I only have one cousin left on my mother\’s side of the family, and another on my father\’s side passed away this year also. It is hard to realize we are getting smaller.

My sister\’s memorial service was Saturday. We are a scattered family. One of my great-nephews is in Hawaii, and I have a nephew in Scotland. Two of his children also live in Scotland. The rest of us are scattered around the US. Because of the pandemic, we had to have a Zoom service. This is another change I don\’t like. I hope we can get together later to scatter my sister\’s ashes and see each other in person.

Another change I\’m dealing with is the pandemic. We have decided to not attend the Cranberry Festival in Shady Valley, TN on October 10. COVID-19 is pretty bad there, and I don\’t want to get it. I\’ve done pretty good so far. We only get out to go to the doctor, grocery, and church. I am trying to stay safe for myself and my family. If any your family members, or if you have COVID yourself, you will realize this is nothing to be sneezed at. Take the virus seriously! I will still be interviewed on WCYB-TV, Channel 5 on the Noon Show on October 7, 2020.

Big News! I will be having a sale onĀ Bogged Down by Murder beginning today, but you can only order it from me. The price is $12.00 and that includes tax and shipping. Flat price of $12.00. Leave a comment that you want to order the book. I have several to sell that I ordered for the Cranberry Festival. When you leave a comment, I will email you telling you how to pay for the book and get your snail mail address. As soon as I receive your payment, I will send your book to you. I do take PayPal or checks. This is cheaper than you can get the book on Amazon or Barnes and Nobles.

Remember the saying, \”Make lemonade out of lemons?\” That\’s what I\’m trying to do with the books. I would love to sell all of them. You can check the book out on Amazon at amzn.to/30cM8IK. But, you can only buy it at this discounted price through me. Each will be signed.


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