Summer is one of my favorite seasons. The warm days and cool nights grow wonderful vegetables and fruits. We are experiencing this growth already. Strawberries are growing and we\’ve had pies, cakes, and last week I made jam. My family loves freezer jam, and it\’s called, \”Grandma\’s Red Jelly.\” The grandchildren started calling freezer jam by that name when they were small. It sticks to this day.
I continue to be amazed by God\’s blessings. He watches over us constantly. The yield of our garden in the summer to the warmth of our house in the winter. He is always there. With each difficulty, He guides us through them. I am so thankful for His grace.
Life is short. We don\’t think about it when we\’re young, but it is very short. Each day passes quickly. I try to study God\’s Word each day. It is so important to know what God wants us to do. I also try to encourage others each day. I\’ve been fortunate to live as long as I have, and I can still try to help others. Life is difficult. There are times we all face difficulties.
Make someone smile each day, even if it is only your husband, caregiver, or a friend. It costs nothing to make someone smile. The cheapest gift you can give.
Appreciate others. Remember to say \”Thank you.\” Another small thing. Smile. We use fewer muscles when we smile. That keeps frown lines from your face.
Have a blessed day.
I will begin a Book Launch Team soon. If you are interested in joining my team, leave a comment.
Kathy Cretsinger
Callie\’s Mountain
Coastal Promises
Bogged Down by Murder
Death by Doubloons, releases October 5, 2022
Dead Ringer, releases 2023
Murder and Goat Yoga, releases 2023