The first post of 2022
The first post in 2022! How exciting! This is a brand new year, never used before. It\’s all new and clean. Some people would say it\’s perfect. I\’m sure for some, the year is already dirty and not as pretty as it should be. I plan to keep mine clean. What about you?
How can you keep your year perfect? Be positive. There is so much to be positive about. A positive person is happier, more pleasant, and has a better outlook on life. You may even live longer by thinking about positive things during your day.
Remember to say please and thank you. Don\’t you love to go to Chick-fil-A? The employees always say, \”My pleasure.\” You automatically say, \”Thank you.\” Saying please and thank you should be required by everyone,. I\’ve even said it to my computer or my Roomba when it finishes doing the vacuuming. It\’s so easy if you appreciate what others are doing for you.
Always smile. Smiles make everything sunny. When we see someone smile, we all feel better. We feel appreciated. We are not a number in a box. We are a real person. Smiles should be a necessity in every job.
Stay clear of negative people. They only wear you down.A negative person will pull you into their vortex. You want to be around people who are pleasant.
Make sure your year stays bright. Keep it shined up and polished. Dust away all the negative thoughts. Keep your smile always bright. The year will be so much better.
Happy New Year
Kathy Cretsinger
Callie\’s Mountain 2021
Coastal Promises, 2021
Bogged Down by Murder, 2021
Death by Doubloons, 2022
Smoky Mountain Bride, 2022.