\"\"The year 2021 is about to come to a close. For some, it has been a good year, but for others it has not been so good. The pandemic has kept us away from our loved ones, and I\’m praying it will be over soon. Some have lost loved ones, and some have new ones to love.

My prayers for everyone are for good health, happiness, and a forgiving heart.

I do not make New Year\’s Resolutions, but I set goals at the beginning of the year. Here are my goals..

  1. Have a better plan to study the Bible daily. I do read almost every day, but I want to study God\’s Word deeper.
  2. Lose twenty pounds. When the pandemic started, I had some heart and blood pressure problems and I lost almost twenty pounds. I\’ve gained five of it back. If I continue the way I am going, I will soon gain the whole twenty pounds. I need a better exercise program and watch what goes in my mouth. I like My Fitness Plan, and it helped before. I am going back on it when all the holiday goings are over.
  3. I want to be more forgiving. I want to represent Christ in everything I do.
  4. Happiness should be a big part of our lives. No one wants to be around an unhappy person. I feel better when I have a positive attitude.

Through the year, I will bring you up to date on my progress. I try to accomplish each of the items listed, but I want to do them better inĀ  2022.

Happy New Year!

Kathy Cretsinger

Callie\’s Mountain

Coastal Promises

Bogged Down by Murder

Death by Doubloons releasing November, 2022



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