\"\"Next week will be Thanksgiving, and I have done nothing. Usually by this time, I have a menu and I\’m shopping, but not this year.I am so far behind.

I love Thanksgiving. When our kids were small, we always watched Macy\’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television. I\’ll admit I\’m a kid at heart and I love the balloons of different characters and the floats. When I became older with grandchildren, the kids watched the parade and the grownups prepared lunch or dinner. Thanksgiving is always a time I look forward to having all the family come.

The grandchildren have grown up, and it\’s time to pass the tradition on to our children. Old age has crept up on us. We can no longer do what we once did. Our bodies cannot keep up with the pace. We are not feeble, but we are older and slower.

Here are some things I am thankful for.

  1. Our family. I am the only one left im my immediate family. My sister and my parents are gone. That is sobering.
  2. Ovens that clean themselves. I remember the ones that did not do that.
  3. Dishwashers that wash our dishes. I remember when we had to wash all the dishes, not just a few that won\’t fit in the dishwasher.
  4. Extensive selections at the grocery store. I remember the country store.
  5. Microwaves. I remember my first one.
  6. Family and friends. Too many of them have passed in the last two years.

I\’m most thankful that the Lord has let me live as long as I have. There were a few times that my family thought I wouldn\’t make it. I\’m thankful that you are reading this. If you do read this, leave a comment about something you are thankful for.

Kathy Cretsinger

Callie’s Mountain by Kathy Cretsinger

Susannah’s Hope (Out of print until later)

Smoky Mountain Bride (will be re-released soon)

Coastal Promises by Kathy Cretsinger, Pam Harris, Regina Merrick, Diane Turpin

Bogged Down by Murder by Kathy Cretsinger

Death by Doubloons by Kathy Cretsinger, November 2022

2 thoughts on “EIGHTY AND LOVING IT! Post #15”

  1. I am thankful for you! You choose to love your life, at every age, and encourage us to do the same. May God’s presence be at your Thanksgiving table, it appears this year you may “be Mary” for a few moments…she chose the best seat in the house.

    1. Kathy Cretsinger

      Debra, I emailed you, but I thank you for your sweet words. It is going to be great to have our family together. I cherish each time I get to be with them.

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