How Does Your Garden Grow?

\"\"Several years ago, my husband and I decided to purchase one hardy hibiscus. We learned the hardy hibiscus can be left out all winter. In the spring, beautiful growth and flowers come back. The one we bought is called a Dinner Plate. The blooms are as large as a dinner plate, and they are beautiful. This one flower as encouraged us to get more each year. We have white, pink, mauve, red, and blue. Yes, a blue hibiscus.

Each morning when I get up, I see a pink one out my kitchen window, and it is a joy to watch the blooms appear. There are probably thirty or forty new ones each day.

Sunday, our preacher talked about being kind and forgiving people. It is hard to forgive some people, like the woman who told me she\’d forgive me but not forget. That is sad, but we can\’t dwell on the actions of others. We have to live our lives with God as our main focus.

As I get older, my mind goes to God more. When my children were small, I\’ll admit I was too involved in their lives and teaching them life lessons that I forgot to think about God as much as I should. Now that I am to the rich old age of eighty, I find myself thinking more about God and His love for me and others.

Just like my love of hibiscus\’ grow, my love for Christ and God grow more. One day I\’ll have the opportunity to thank God for loving me. Won\’t that be great? I look forward to reading God\’s Word. One thing the preacher said that I want to always remember is, \”He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him in the evening.\” Take time to spend with God each day and watch your garden of love grow.

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