\"\"Memorial Day marks summer to me. When I was growing up, we were told we could wear white shoes from Memorial Day until Labor Day. Labor Day marks the fall season, and no one wore white after Labor Day. Things have changed inĀ  the last few years.

What is your favorite thing about summer? I will have to say mine is homemade ice cream. I still love it.

Summer was always a magical time growing up. We played outside from sunup to sundown. We caught lightening bugs and put them in a jar. They always died during the night, but we loved watching them as we went to sleep. We had so much fun. That\’s the bad part about growing up, we lose the magic. We did not have air conditioning until I was in my teens. That is one reason we stayed outdoors. It was so much cooler with the breeze blowing.

My fondest memories were sitting on the front porch with my grandmother as she told stories about growing up in the coal mines in Southwest Virginia and Southeast Kentucky. I wish I had paid loser attention to those tales.

As an adult, my preferences have changed. I still like homemade ice cream, but I tend to stay where there is air conditioning. I am spoiled. I love cookouts with friends and family. I love walking after supper. Little short trips are my favorite, maybe to a state park or someplace we have wanted to visit but never had time to. I love wearing dresses because they are cooler.

Before long, we will be storing our lawn chairs for winter, getting out thicker clothes, and freezing when we eat ice cream. The memories we make in the summer are the best.

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