\"\"I was glad when they said to me,
    “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Psalms 122:1

That is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I\’m beginning to wonder how happy Christians are to go to church right now. Most churches\’ attendance has dropped dramatically since COVID. People are afraid to go to church. They are  scared they will \”catch COVID.\” What has this done to religion?

We are taught to have fellowship with other Christians. The early Christians encouraged fellowship with each other, Acts 2:42  And they devoted themselves to the apostles\’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 

You cannot fellowship watching a streaming church service. In ab in-person  service we talk to each other and have fellowship. The church is in fellowship with each other. We need each other as Christians to grow and nurture in the love of God. Humans need other humans to survive spiritually. We do not get that with a streaming service.

What are our young children going to be like in twenty years? Will they be strong Christians by not attending a class for over a year? Children need to be with other children to learn well. It\’s proven in the past year that children who do not attend in-person classes are falling behind in their grades. Isn\’t the same true for our children in church? Will they have the knowledge of the previous generation? Most likely, they will not.

Let\’s not hurt our children\’s growth in the Bible by not attending church. Let\’s not harm our growth in the Bible by not attending church. Most doors are opened. The CDC has announced we can get in indoor crowds without our masks if we are vaccinated. Let\’s open our doors and our hearts to God again.

Kathy Cretsinger is an author and a member of Walnut Grove church of Christ in Benton, KY.



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