\"\"This weekend has been difficult. For the past week I\’ve been wearing a heart monitor, which I hate to have to do. My heart races at times, and this weekend,  it decided to take a wild race. Finally, it has slowed down and I don\’t have to go to the doctor today. It is not the most pleasant thing to happen. Tiredness overcomes my body and I have to rest.

This has put me behind on everything, but I\’m trying to catch up today. Food is in the slow cooker, and I\’m making a little progress. When I get some chores done, I\’ll be able to write.

What do you do when you have a bad day? For me, this gives me time to think about what my characters will do next. I hate to write the middle of a book. This is where the action gets stronger, and you don\’t want to slow the book down. I find it very difficult to keep everything exciting. I know I have to keep the reader engaged, and I don\’t want to lose readers,. No writer wants to lose readers.

My character ran away from trouble. Now to find out how the man following her has  found her. With all the modern technology, I may have thought of something last night. This guy is very savvy with technology, and he\’s put listening devices everywhere. The devices have been removed, but he needs to know how to follow her everywhere she goes.

Thank goodness for the internet. We can look up different things to use in our writing. I\’m thinking about a GPS device, but what if they find it? Where can he put a GPS device so he will know where she is going? I have an idea, but I\’ll wait to see if it works out.

How do you motivate yourself during these down times?


2 thoughts on “DIFFICULT WEEKEND”

  1. The middle is the WORST! When I get bogged down (not in MURDER! lol!), I put that project away and pull out another that’s coming. I can always get to know my characters better. I also catch up on blog posts that I subscribe to and don’t have time to read, so I flag them for later. Glad you’re feeling some better!

    1. Kathy Cretsinger

      I’m cleaning out closets. I thought that might help. I also need to read some blogs that I haven’t read in a while. I usually find something in there that helps me. Thanks, I am feeling better than yesterday. Not a good day at all, especially when you see your heart rate at 129, but it has been higher. I’m anxious to see what the monitor says when I send it back.

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