Today I would like to introduce you to a great friend of mine, Kathy McKinsey. I don’t remember when I met Kathy, but she feels like I’ve known her forever. I know it\’s been several years since I first met Kathy on the internet, but we connected.
When I was publishing a lot of books, Kathy was one of our editors. I grew to depend on her and her edits. She was a big help to us.
One day, Kathy told me about a book she had written and would I publish it for her. Of course, I said I would. She’s a good writer.
Kathy and her husband, Murray, have five children. Their daughters are their biological children, but they have adopted three others from Taiwan with disabilities. Two are blind and one has a developmental disability. The thing that impresses me the most is the fact that Kathy is blind. Murray does have sight, and he is devoted to Kathy.
I asked Kathy how she edited and wrote. Well, she has an app on her computer that two blind men developed for vision-impaired people. The app is a screen reader, and it reads what she type or what is already written as in emails and Facebook. Because of this app, she can take her computer anywhere she goes and write. Modern technology is incredible.
Kathy\’s next book releases on February 23, which is also her birthday. I love this book. Gifts of Grace is three novellas about three women with decisions to make. I cried as I read each one. It\’s hard to edit a manuscript when you are sobbing like a baby.
These books can be bought on Amazon at and Barnes & Noble Online at Other online bookstores also carry it.
And since tomorrow\’s Kathy\’s birthday, I\’m sure she would appreciate it if some of you would buy her book. I will tell you this, you will not regret it. It is a great book. Let me give you a hint. My favorite is the last novella.
Happy Birthday, Kathy!
Gifts of Grace
Three novellas. Three women search with hungry hearts, and God shows them surprising answers.
Tammy needs a new goal to fill her empty nest, and she needs to find forgiveness for her heart.
Mourning the loss of her baby, Judy flees to the home she abandoned twelve years ago. The family farm. Is something new waiting for her at this old home?
Iola, who is blind, struggles to prove herself as a professional and to be the mother her sixteen-year-old daughter needs during a rough time.
Watch as God opens doors these women would never expect.
Thank you, thank you, Kathy!:)