Life is never easy, or at least at times, it\’s not. The last few weeks have been difficult. I\’ve had the flu, and if you have had it, you know how horrible I felt. Since Saturday, I\’ve had good days.
While I should have been working on the proposal I need to send out, I was taking antibiotics and resting. Now, I am up and about and hope to send the proposal in today. I hate proposals and synopsis\’. I think they steal part of your soul.
Although I seem up most of the time, I do get discouraged easily. I think my heart is on my shoulder, and I\’m trying to put it back in my chest where it begins. Our work is very personal and part of us. Our characters are our friends.
My first chapter was a mess. I believed something someone told me, and it was so wrong. The belief that I was not good played a part in my discouragement.
While I\’m thinking about what was said, I thought about somethings we do that make people resist our books.
- Be kind to people. My mother drilled this into my head in my early years. I can remember her saying, \”If you can\’t say something good about anyone, say nothing at all.: Wise words. I\’m reading a book now that has a lot of head-hopping. It is a sweet book, but I never know whose POV I\’m in.
- When you critique a book for someone, be kind. When we were publishing books, I never sent a letter of refusal without saying something good about it. I always gave suggestions to improve the book.
- Never put political or religious views on social media. Politics and religion can turn people off. Be neutral.
- Watch putting your children/grandchildren\’s pictures on social media. There are stalkers out there.
- As an author, readers want a little information about you. Be willing to put the area where you live and a little about yourself in your bio. Please don\’t go overboard, but at least tell them something. Readers want to feel they know you.
- Always be positive in your posts. No one wants to listen or read about a complaining person.
- Have fun with your writing and set writing goals.
Have a blessed day.