\"\"When I was a little girl, my dad caught a hummingbird and brought it into the bedroom. That day I was sick, and I guess I felt a little sorry for myself. My dad thought this would make me feel better. He was a very thoughtful man, but I was as frightened as the hummingbird. My dad caught it again and took it outside. That is the first time I remember seeing a hummingbird. They have fascinated me ever since.

This morning as I prepared breakfast, two hummingbirds had breakfast with me. Not really, but they had their breakfast on my butterfly bush. They love that plant, and they come regularly. This is the first year two have visited us together. I don\’t know if they mate for life or not, but these have been consistent.

Some interesting facts. Hummingbirds are the smallest birds, most weighing about less than a nickel. God created them small and quick. They usually fly about 500 miles alone. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. I saw that this morning as I watched them feeding.

Hummingbirds cannot smell. They are attracted to the color. I\’ve noticed them attracted to the red flowers we have outside our kitchen window. You should never use red dye in your hummingbird feeders. If you plant bright colored flowers, you won\’t need a feeder. The hummingbird will come to the red or orange flowers. My butterfly bush is purple, so I know they are attracted to that color.

Hummingbirds have nests that are the size of a half-dollar, if you remember what a half-dollar looks like. That is small, but they only lay two eggs about the size of a coffee bean. Small birds, small eggs.

I\’ve never see a flock of hummingbirds, but if I did, they would be called a bouquet, a glittering, a hover, a shimmer, or a tune. Hummingbirds usually fly alone.

Hummingbirds are dedicated to what they do. I have seen one hummingbird perch on an electric line. They are usually busy. What about us? Are we always concentrating on what we are doing? Do we give it our all as the hummingbird does? How dedicated are you with your everyday chores? Wouldn\’t the world be better if we all worked as theĀ  hummingbird does? Let\’s give it a try!

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