Writing should be a pleasure. It should not be something dreaded.
I\’ve always liked to get up early in the mornings. After my quiet time with the Lord, I am ready to write. My blogs are considered part of my writing, and I love to write them. When we get to the point of dreading to write, we need to take a break. There have been times when I felt like that, and it\’s\’ time to rest from writing. Usually I will read for several days. That is always good for me.
This is my suggestion. Find a writer who writes the same genre you do. Get one of their books and read. Not only should you read, but you should also pay attention to how they write. When I do start to read, I\’m anxious to begin to write again. It is pretty easy to do. Get excited to put words on paper or computer.
If writing is something you have a desire to do, don\’t let a writer\’s block stop you. Renew yourself in someone else\’s writing, and look forward to writing again. This helps me, and I hope it helps you.