I\’ve probably said several times that I\’ve been working on a cozy mystery, Daisy\’s Story. This is book 1 in the series, Nothin\’ Shady Ever Happens In Shady Valley. I finished the book yesterday! My good friend, Regina Merrick, has graciously agreed to read through it, and tell me what she thinks. I had some gaps I had to fill, and I noticed some timelines were not correct. I hate it when I do that.
Today it will go to Kathy McKinsey for an edit. When I get it back, I\’ll go forward with corrections. I\’m planning to release the book in August, hopefully before.
If you don\’t know about Daisy, I\’m happy to tell you about her.
This book is a book of love for the community my husband grew up in. We have family there, and I\’ve tried to make Shady Valley, TN beautiful for everyone. I tried to use common last names in the valley, but not to use first names that I am aware of. Shady Valley is a beautiful place in the northeast corner of Tennessee. It is located between three mountains, Holston, Iron, and Cross Mountains.
Daisy McQueen is a city girl, raised in Miami, Florida. Her grandmother leaves her the family farm on Holston Mountain. Daisy has a very well respected company, Smart Living. Smart Living teaches people how to eat, exercise, and live healthy.
Shady Valley is kinda remote in a way. There is only one store and one restaurant. People grew up eating fried everything, gravy, biscuits, potatoes. Country cooking says it the best. Daisy\’s aim is to show people how to eat healthy.
She meets Harry Greer when she finds a body in her cranberry bog.
There is a lot of action in this story. Daisy is accused of dealing in drugs until they find people are hunting on the Applician Trail.