Kathy Cretsinger, Mystery with Southern Humor

Meet Kathy

Kathy Cretsinger and her husband migrated from the hills of East Tennessee to the flatlands of Kentucky several years ago to be close to their children and grandchildren. This brought another change in their lives. Kathy began publishing her books, and a few years later, she decided to help other authors who are having a hard time in the publishing industry by starting Mantle Rock Publishing LLC. Recently, Kathy sold most of her authors to Scrivenings Press.


Kathy loves being close to her family and enjoys growing orchids, which continue to multiply. She is now finding more time to write the books that have lived in her heart for the last few years.

Headshot, Kathy Cretsinger
Shady Valley Book Series Icon

Shady Valley is a quiet community tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains. Where peaceful streams carve into ancient mountains bringing serenity to all who live there.

Until something shady happens.

A dead man is found floating in a cranberry bog.

A pirate’s treasure may be hidden there.

Neighbors may not be who they seem to be.

But really, nothing shady ever happens in Shady Valley. Or does it?